All plays are for 2-3 puppets and range from 5-15 minutes
* These are 40-60 minutes, usually for a worship service, Includes hymns


*Miracle of Miracles, A Piece of Clay Creation
*The Ark-o-Lades, Rain, Rain, Go Away Noah
Wall of Water Moses
Joseph and the Murder that Didn’t Happen Joseph
Naughty or Nice? Samson

Little Mouse’s Journey, Kayla Camel’s Journey to the Stable A Turtle’s Christmas Story *The Christmas Story as told by the Stable Animals (45-60 min.)

Goats and Sheep, The Lost Pearl, Search for Tomorrow The Cage, Fishers of Men, Parables
*The Case of the Missing Talents (45-60 min.)
What Color is God, Good Mr. Samar-i-Tan, When 10=1, Mission Impossible, The Boy Jesus, Let the Children Come, The Wedding at Cana, Picnic to Beat all Picnics Persistence + Knocking = Response, Jesus and the Woman at the Well, General

God so Loved the World, Jesus on the Cross *The Passion Play (God Cared Enough to Send the Very Best) (45-60min) Donkeys, Palms and Parades, Why Worry? Palm Sunday *Resurrection Rap Holy Week A Gift, a Very Special Gift

Notes from the author
There are many more stories/ plays that are available for either short (5-10 minute) presentations or for larger events (such as Sunday School kick-off/Rally Day, Church socials, Holidays, Vacation Bible School, even sermons.) They can be presented by animal or people puppets although some are written specifically for one or the other. However, JR and Tuffy stories can be used with any puppets!

Stay tuned in at for future dates of availability